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HI! NEW 2 Java & coding a MMOMUD -> Journey Quest Dimensions

Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:17 am

*** Scroll down for a screen shot copy&paste.

Hello! I'm David from Vancouver BC Canada.
I'm BRAND NEW to programming and a couple weeks ago I started learning Java from some tutorial videos and webpages. Now I've learned enough to fool around and start creating something fun for myself to play :) I'm not going to post any code but here is a taste of what I'm working on...

- ANSI bullitenboard text mud MAJORMUD:
- Magic The Gathering
- Dungeon Crawlers
- Retro-Gaming culture.
- Social Media

My Idea:

Journey Quest Dimensions v1.2 a MMOMUD, is my own idea of a MUD. I wish to remove old ideas of experience and leveling but rather have the idea of the user as a being that manifests into a universe and ascend their consciousness to a higher dimension by gaining wisdom through the realtime universe by doing quests and surviving certain areas. this universe is anything and everything. upon your 1 dimensional self new play manifestation, you will find yourself in a newbie area which has several rooms to explore with environmental dangers which make sense to each rooms description.. The world has a realtime sun system with the sun revolving around the current planet you are on effecting the game play. items, rooms and abilitys are effected by the time of the day. As you raise in dimensions you become more aware of things withing rooms and they become more difficult and change. the innovative thing i hope to implement is being able to lower and raise your vibration to change your dimensional awareness of the room and other objects. There will be combat but I'm thinking the game is going to be more of a journeying game, trying to reach and survive new areas by using objects, actions, spells, and friends. The environment is where you gain your experience and wisdom from. The more people you explore and play with the better chance of unlocking very rare room events; giving you special items or learning new abilities. I also want to eventually implement PVP and a new combo idea which u can do unique combat and action combos based on object & environmental and other users, effects.

I wish to also make this into a magic the gathering type card game.

Journey Quest Dimension v1.1

Update v1.2 (CODE 1362 lines)

- Started counting lines for each update
- Added VIBRATION, variable to gameplay triggers.
- started calling random events triggers.
- added 3 new rooms to the newbie area.
- added 1 new unique room to the realm (Dark Cavern Luminous Pool).
- edited a few bugs, changed typos, cleaned up some mechanics.
- Lush Garden renamed to Overgrown Garden.
- Added more flavor text to current lands.
- focus mechanic defined more
- trying a new stat line as mana/focus becomes more important, and i

- Damp Cavern renamed to Damp Howling Cavern

- You loose focus depending on your choice and environment variables but you also gain focus by resting.
- When you move your focus re-gens an increment.

- added wisdom(aka exp) to the stat bar as its the most dramatic game play effect

New Land Types
Damp Howling Cavern - Luminous Pool.
- The luminous pool is the optional glory for the newbie area.
- it has a chance to give out the highest amount of wisdom any land can trigger but at a risky cost.
- the luminous pool does many things but one nasty thing is it zaps you with magic damage, and on a rare
occasion can do a high a mount of damage. One benefit of the zap is it will increase your wisdom as well.
- its hard to rest in a hostile environment like the damp howling cavern
- Level 1's may have a difficulty surviving enough to get the rare amount of wisdom gain,
- Level 2-3 room

Update V1.1

- Game renamed to Journey Quest Dimensions MMOMUD
- Added 10 new rooms to the newbie area.
- Added 2 new unique rooms to the realm.
- Added 1 SECRET mechanic to the newbie area.
- Added Many random flavor text unique to each room.
- Added Many random effects good and bad unique to each land type.
- Added a rest system which regenerates health.
- Added FOCUS, ENERGY, WISDOM, REST variables to gameplay triggers.

Stats menu:
- When a user calls up the stats menu its considered an action. It takes energy and focus to recall information.


- The HP is the users life, when its 0 they die.
- Currently the only way to lose life is by a random event from a hostile type of land damage.
EX:// [!X] - You slip on some slimy rocks and harm your leg for 1 damage!!

- Currently the dimension feature is like your typical "Level".
- Currently the users dimension dosent have any effect on the game.

- is like your typical experience in a MMOMUD
- once you reach a high enough amount of wisdom to ascend to the next dimension.
- when you ascend a dimension the wisdom it dosent reset and lock to 0 like typical level experience tables wisdom may be lost forcing you out of a dimension.

- Currently focus is not used for anything except for calling stats menu.
- You cannot recall your stats if you do not have enough focus.

- The realm relys on a time system which spin the current realms planet around.
- As the time progresses the type of sky and day time name change; currently these have no effect on the game.
- Future plans to have the time progress real time in second increments, but currently progresses each time a user dose something which requires energy. im just to new at java to figure out how to do a keyboard type input request while loop like that.

- When you have rested enough some stats may increase depending on if your many variables energy is full.
- When you regenerate some stats the regenerate counter resets to 0 and you must rest some more.
- While you rest events good/bad may happened depending on variables like if the type of land you are in is hostile.

Types of land

#0 Dark Grass Hut
- Where users resolve the first time they enter the universe.
- has a chance of randomly displaying a flavour text.

#1 Overgrown Garden
- Has A random chance mechanic to gain wisdom.
- has a chance of randomly displaying a flavor text.

#2 Long Grass
- Currently only has a chance of randomly displaying a flavor text.

#3 Shallow Lagoon
- Currently only has a chance of randomly displaying a flavor text.

#4 Narrow Waterfall
- Has a risky chance of increasing wisdom by unique flavor text.
- Has a chance of doing major environmental damage to the user. EX// [!X] - You slip on some slimy rocks and gash your head for 3 damage!!
- Has a chance of randomly displaying a flavor text.

#5 Damp Howling Cavern
- Has a chance of doing environmental damage to the user. EX// [!X] - You slip on some slimy rocks and harm your leg for 1 damage!!!
- Has a chance of randomly displaying a flavor text.

-Next updates & focuses:

- implement more on effects of the wisdom & dimension variables
- Implement an inventory system.

Thank you for your comments.

below is a new screen shot! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[..] - You move to the east.
Shallow Lagoon
Obvious Exits: North, East, South, West.
[4:00 HP=4]:5
[!!] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [STATS] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [!!]
SELF: [HP=4/4] [Energy 0/5] [Focus 0/2] [1D] [Wisdom=1]
ENVIRONMENT: [4:00 Morning] [Sky: Dark] [Day 2]
[Room Description]
[..] - The shallow lagoon has various tropical wild plants growing in it. The long
grass and reeds limit your visibility.. - [..]
[!!] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [!!]
[!+] - You pause for a moment and gather your thoughts.
Shallow Lagoon
Obvious Exits: North, East, South, West.
[4:00 HP=4]:8
[..] - You move to the north.
Narrow Waterfall
Obvious Exits: South.
[!-] - You slip on a slimy rock and scathe your knee for 2 damage!!
[5:00 HP=2]:8
[!!] - You discover an exit in that direction!
[..] - You move to the north.
Damp Cavern
Obvious Exits:
[!!] - The sun rises from the east.
[6:00 HP=2]:5
[!!] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [STATS] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [!!]
SELF: [HP=2/4] [Energy 0/5] [Focus 0/2] [1D] [Wisdom=1]
ENVIRONMENT: [6:00 Morning] [Sky: Light] [Day 2]
[Room Description]
[..] - There isn't much room in this damp cave like nook behind the rushing waterfall
that is to the south. - [..]
[!!] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [!!]
[!+] - You pause for a moment and gather your thoughts.
Damp Cavern
Obvious Exits:
[!!] - The sun rises from the east.
[!X] - You slip on some slimy rocks and harm your leg for 1 damage!!
[6:00 HP=1]:2
[!!] - You discover an exit in that direction!
[..] - You move to the south.
Narrow Waterfall
Obvious Exits: South.
[7:00 HP=1]:2
[..] - You move to the south.
Shallow Lagoon
Obvious Exits: North, East, South, West.
[8:00 HP=1]:2
[..] - You move to the south.
Long Grass
Obvious Exits: North, West.
[9:00 HP=1]:4
[..] - You move to the west.
Long Grass
Obvious Exits: North, East, West.
[10:00 HP=1]:5
[!!] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [STATS] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [!!]
SELF: [HP=1/4] [Energy 0/5] [Focus 0/2] [1D] [Wisdom=1]
ENVIRONMENT: [10:00 Afternoon] [Sky: Light] [Day 2]
[Room Description]
[..] - The vine covered base of the mountain walls seems too steep to climb and the thriving
grass limits your visibility. - [..]
[!!] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [!!]
[!+] - You pause for a moment and gather your thoughts.
Long Grass
Obvious Exits: North, East, West.
[!!] - A small twig snaps beneath your feet.
[!+] - You rest for a moment.
Long Grass
Obvious Exits: North, East, West.
[!!] - A flock of birds fly overhead.
[13:00 HP=1]:3
[!+] - You rest for a moment.
Long Grass
Obvious Exits: North, East, West.
[15:00 HP=1]:3
[!+] - You rest for a moment.
[!+] - You feel rested and heal!
Long Grass
Obvious Exits: North, East, West.
[16:00 HP=2]:

Re: HI! NEW 2 Java & coding a MMOMUD -> Journey Quest Dimensions

Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:20 am

I don't understand :) , is this a game ?

Re: HI! NEW 2 Java & coding a MMOMUD -> Journey Quest Dimensions

Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:30 am

Yes this is a game. its inspired by MAJORMUD


msi_333 wrote:I don't understand :) , is this a game ?

Re: HI! NEW 2 Java & coding a MMOMUD -> Journey Quest Dimensions

Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:40 am

Oh nice , you developed it , are you using artificial intelligent algorithms in this game ?

Re: HI! NEW 2 Java & coding a MMOMUD -> Journey Quest Dimensions

Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:47 am

msi_333 wrote:Oh nice , you developed it , are you using artificial intelligent algorithms in this game ?

possibly, if i knew what that ment.. lol i'm new to java, 2 weeks new,, but i'm learning quickly at my own pace, from online... its fun!

Re: HI! NEW 2 Java & coding a MMOMUD -> Journey Quest Dimensions

Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:32 am

I've created a developers journal and added some color screen shots and a lot more info to



Re: HI! NEW 2 Java & coding a MMOMUD -> Journey Quest Dimensions

Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:04 am

Wow looks so good , do you want to sell it :D

Re: HI! NEW 2 Java & coding a MMOMUD -> Journey Quest Dimensions

Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:20 am

please daivd , can you post the code of this game. ?

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