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6 Approaches to Putting PowerPoint Presentation on Web

Have you ever thought of publishing your PowerPoint presentation on web? It is quite thrilling to do so, as you can make a hit while share your wit with others from all over the world.

Here we are to discuss 6 approaches that are frequently applied to putting PPT presentation on web.
1. Convert to video & play with web player
2. Embed it on your web via YouTube video
3. Publish presentation as HTML web page
4. Record it using Camtasia Studio
5. Show slides on
6. Upload and link source slides

Approach 1 Convert to video & play with web player
Since a video format is animated and protected, flexible for distribution and looks professional on a webpage, we would rather convert the PowerPoint to video for web sharing. Use [url]Moyea PPT to Video Converter[/url] to set your presentation as video with one click. The smart program is ideal for PPT to Video conversion as all the vivid animations are retained in the output video file.
Next, you can place the video (*.avi as extension name) on your server or upload it to any video-sharing site.
To achieve perfect playback, you need to play the presentation using a media player (e.g. Moyea Web Player Lite). Such software adds great fun by offering the do-it-yourself function. For instance, this Moyea Web Player Lite not only lets you customize the video playlist with ease, but also allows you to insert ads into the video for drawing a deal. Absolutely great done!

Approach 2 Embed it on your web via YouTube
This method also takes video as a media. It is helpful when you want to upload PowerPoint to a video-sharing website like YouTube. Here we will take YouTube, one of the most popular video-sharing websites, as an example. Below are the exact steps: First, convert your presentation into a video file using a conversion tool like Moyea PPT to Video Converter . Next, post the video on YouTube. You need to login in before uploading your video to YouTube. When it is uploaded, you can find an Embed field on the right. Copy the code within the field and save to your hard drive for later use on another website (homepage, blog, etc.).

Approach 3 Publish the presentation as HTML web page
A simple way is to save your presentation as web page (extension name as *.htm;*.html).Go to the slide, and click the Office Button to select Other Formats.

The Save As dialog box is displayed as following. Set Web Page (*.htm; *.html) for the Save as type field. Click Save to store the new HTML file on your hard drive.

Each slide is saved as a separate image, which makes the entire folder of HTML files very large. Thus it would be a bit troublesome if you want to upload all of them to your server.
Also, the original animations will get lost with this approach.
Another deficiency in this method is that your slides can only display properly with an IE browser. For a website visitor who isn't using IE, it is impossible to view the presentation as it is.

Approach 4 Record it using Camtasia Studio
Camtasia Studio is a smart screen recording software that records your PC screen and create videos. The videos can help demonstrate your PPT presentation clearly.
You should download Comtasia Studio (from and install it on your computer before follow these steps:

1.On the PPT file, click the Office Button -> Save As -> PowerPoint Show to save it in *.pps (*.ppsx for Microsoft Office 2007) format.
2.In Camtasia Studio, click the Record the screen in the Task List. Set to record the whole screen.
3.Play your PowerPoint PPS file and Press F9 to start recording the screen.
4.When coming to the last blank slide, press F10 to stop recording. You are prompted to save the captured slideshow. Then choose a directory and enter a file name and save it in *.avi format.
5.Now you can upload the video to your server.
All the effects within your slides are still retained after conversion.
But it will take some time if too many slides exist in your presentation.

Approach 5 Show slides on
SlideShare ( is a well-known website that enables you to share your presentations. Upload your presentations (e.g.*.ppt, *.pps or *.pos) to SlideShare. It will convert them into shared media. Thus your presentation can be viewed on any computer
Similarly, all the animations and multimedia files in the presentation will disappear.

Approach 6 Upload and link source slides
It is not difficult. Simply upload the PowerPoint file to your website using a link. To view the presentation, guests need to click the link and download the file on their computers. They must have PowerPoint app or PowerPoint viewer installed on their computer for viewing.
Note that the file may have a big size, although every subtlety of the presentation is retained.

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I also use Presentation To Video Converter.I like it convers very quickly without any problems.

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