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Binary search tree C++

Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:39 pm

Binary search tree C++
cpp code
//                                                    March 6, 1998
// Bert G. Wachsmuth
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#ifndef BINSTREE
#define BINSTREE

// you can change the type easily .
typedef int ElementType;
typedef int ValueType;

const int PRE_ORDER = 2;
const int IN_ORDER = 3;
const int POST_ORDER = 4;
const int LEVEL_ORDER = 5;
Node class .
class Node
// Left node pointer.
public: Node *left;
// right node pointer.
public: Node *right;
// ElementType integer in this case.
public: ElementType data;

// constructor
public: Node(void);
// constructor takes ElementType .
public: Node(ElementType);

Binary Tree class

class BinSTree
{ // Fields
private: Node *rootNode;
private: Node *currentNode;
private: int errorFlag;

// default Constructor and public methods
public: BinSTree(void);
// insert ElementType to tree.
public: void insert(ElementType);
// remove ElementType.
public: void remove(ValueType);
// get currentNode element.
public: ElementType retrieve(void);
// traverse the ree,
public: void traverse(int order);
// find a node by value.
public: void find(ValueType);
// destroy tree.
public: void destroy(void);
// check if the tree is full.
public: int isFull(void);
// check if the ree empty.
public: int isEmpty(void);
public: int hasError(void);

// private functions.
private: void preorder(Node *, int);
private: void postorder(Node *, int);
private: void inorder(Node *, int);
private: Node* findParentForNode(ValueType key);
private: Node* findNodeByValue(ValueType key);
// find the right node.
private: Node* findRightNode(Node *);
// delete a specific node.
private: void destroyNode(Node *);

left = right = 0;

Node::Node(ElementType el)
left = right = 0;
data = el;

rootNode = currentNode = 0;
errorFlag = false;

void BinSTree::find(ValueType key)
Node *p = findNodeByValue(key);
if (p == 0)
errorFlag = true;
errorFlag = false;
currentNode = p;

void BinSTree::insert(ElementType el)
if (rootNode == 0)
rootNode = new Node(el);
Node *p = findNodeByValue(el);
// if element not found before
if (p == 0)
// In case root node is parent.
Node *parent = rootNode;
if (p != rootNode)
parent = findParentForNode(el);
if (el > parent->data)
parent->right = new Node(el);
currentNode = parent->right;
parent->left = new Node(el);
currentNode = parent->left;
// everthing is ok .
errorFlag = false;

// duplicate key.
errorFlag = true;

void BinSTree::traverse(int order)
if (order == PRE_ORDER)
preorder(rootNode, 0);
else if (order == IN_ORDER)
inorder(rootNode, 0);
else if (order == POST_ORDER)
postorder(rootNode, 0);
cout << "order doesn't exists" << endl;

ElementType BinSTree::retrieve(void)
return currentNode->data;

int BinSTree::isFull(void)
return 0;

int BinSTree::isEmpty(void)
return (rootNode == 0);

int BinSTree::hasError(void)
return errorFlag;

void BinSTree::remove(ValueType key)

Node *p = findNodeByValue(key);
// check if node exists.
if (p == 0)
errorFlag = true;
// node exists .
// delete leaf node.
if ((p->right == 0) && (p->left == 0))
// (can find parent node.
if (p != rootNode)
Node *parent = findParentForNode(key);
if (parent->data < key)
parent->right = 0;
parent->left = 0;
rootNode = 0;
errorFlag = false;
currentNode = rootNode;
else if ((p->right == 0) && (p->left != 0)) // right subtree empty,
// left subtree not.
// can't find parent node .
if (p != rootNode)
Node *parent = findParentForNode(key);
if (parent->data < key)
parent->right = p->left;
parent->left = p->left;
rootNode = rootNode->left;
errorFlag = false;
currentNode = rootNode;
else if ((p->right != 0) && (p->left == 0)) // left subtree empty,
// right subtree not.
if (p != rootNode) // (can find parent now ...)
Node *parent = findParentForNode(key);
if (parent->data < key)
parent->right = p->right;
parent->left = p->right;
rootNode = p->right;
errorFlag = false;
currentNode = rootNode;
else // left and right
// subtrees not empty
Node *righty = findRightNode(p->left);
Node *parent = findParentForNode(righty->data);
p->data = righty->data; // swapping data with righty
if (parent != p)
parent->right = righty->left;
p->left = righty->left;
errorFlag = false;
currentNode = rootNode;

void BinSTree::destroy(void)

void BinSTree::inorder(Node *p, int level)
if (p != 0)
inorder(p->left, level+1);
cout << "Node " << p->data << " at level " << level << endl;
inorder(p->right, level+1);

void BinSTree::preorder(Node *p, int level)
if (p != 0)
cout << "Node " << p->data << " at level " << level << endl;
preorder(p->left, level+1);
preorder(p->right, level+1);

void BinSTree::postorder(Node *p, int level)
if (p != 0)
postorder(p->left, level+1);
postorder(p->right, level+1);
cout << "Node " << p->data << " at level " << level << endl;

void BinSTree::destroyNode(Node *p)
if (p != 0)

Node* BinSTree::findParentForNode(ValueType key)
Node *p = rootNode, *q = 0;
while ((p != 0) && (p->data != key))
q = p;
if (p->data > key)
p = p->left;
p = p->right;
return q;

Node* BinSTree::findNodeByValue(ValueType key)
/* This function returns a pointer to the node containing the key
value 'key' if it is in the tree. Otherwise, it returns null */
Node *p = rootNode;
while ((p != 0) && (p->data != key))
if (p->data > key)
p = p->left;
p = p->right;
return p;

Node* BinSTree::findRightNode(Node *p)
Node *righty = p;
while (righty->right != 0)
righty = righty->right;
cout << "found right-most node to be: " << righty->data << "\n";
return righty;


int main(void)

return 0;

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