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Split Specific or All Pages of PDF & Save Each Page as new file by saaspose on Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:29 am
This technical tip allows developers to split all or specific pages of a PDF file and save each page as a new PDF or any supported format using Saaspose.Pdf REST API in your .NET applications. Input PDF file needs to be uploaded in root folder of Saaspose Storage before running this code.Saaspose.Pdf is a REST API to create, edit & manipulate PDF files. It also convert PDF file to DOC, DOCX, HTML, XPS, TIFF etc. It is platform independent REST API & working with web, desktop, mobile or cloud applications alike. Some important steps for performing this task are to build URI to split PDF pages, sign URI, further process JSON response, Parse the json string to JObject, build URI to download split pages and save split PDF pages as PDF.

Sample Code for Splitting all pages to new PDFs

vbnet code
SaasposeApp.AppSID  = "77***********************************";
SaasposeApp.AppKey = "9a*******************************";
string outputPath...

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Extract Text from PDF Files, Convert MS Word Document in Android by saaspose on Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:35 am
Saaspose development team is pleased to announce the release of Saaspose SDK for Android. It is great news for all Android developers to enjoy a whole new experience of document manipulation in the cloud. We have been working on Saaspose SDK for Android to facilitate the android developers with feature-rich APIs round the globe.

Saaspose REST APIs gives developers total control over documents and file formats on all platforms. We have developed SDKs for these file format APIs to help you utilize these feature-rich APIs in you applications for quick file processing. You can now use Saaspose APIs in your Android applications and take document manipulation experience to another level. Whether its text extraction from PDF files or conversion of MS Word document to different file formats, Saaspose REST APIs have much more to offer for your Android applications. You can extract text from documents, calculate formula in worksheets, convert PDF to images, extract images and slides from presentations...

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array in function by farahinsamsudin on Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:35 am
i cant compile my coding because a several error. i'm try to find it by change its syntax. but it does not work. can anyone help me?

the question ask to display student name, total marks, and status.

import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class Assignment1 {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String studName[] = {"Aminah Binti Samad", "Putra Bin Abdul", "Muadz Bin Kassim", "Kaisara Binti Dollah", "Rahaman Bin Ismail"};
      int test1[] = {90, 45, 78, 80, 60};
      int test2[] = {40, 80, 78, 95, 93};
      int Marks = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
      String[] status = new String[5];
      CalculateMarks(test1, test2, Marks);
      DetermineStatus(Marks, status);
      Display(studName, Marks, status);
   public static void CalculateMarks(int test1[], int test2[], int Marks[])
      for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         int temptotalMarks = 0;

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Common Techniques used by Enterprises to Secure Data by extendcode on Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:58 pm
In today’s digital age information is power and all critical information is currently stored on protected servers operated by companies themselves or by 3rd party operators. If a company cannot protect its data from access by unauthorized individuals, the result can be devastating for the company itself as well as all vendors and stakeholders involved with the company. Such critical data which are usually protected using leading information security services can be used by unauthorized individuals to commit crimes such as insider trading, tender fixing etc. Countries all over the world have laws to prevent such unauthorized data access and non-compliance with the guidelines is cognizable offence with the companies paying hefty fines to the government, if the data security measures are breached. However, a common question that arises is how to companies ensure that their data stays protected from access by unauthorized individuals. Some of the security solutions designed to ensure proper d...

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Can Containers Techniques Prevent Unauthorized Data Access? by extendcode on Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:36 pm
The Introduction of Containers

Since the early days of enterprise mobility, IT departments all over the world have grappled with how to control accessibility of emerging mobility devices and what kind of action can help prevent unauthorized access of enterprise data even if a device is lost or stolen. These have been burning questions for IT departments worldwide and many organizational have come up with techniques to handle the possibility of network security breaches. Some of the common methods of combating the risk associated with implementing enterprise mobility at the workplace include: enforcement of password policies for connecting to network and accessing information; configuring a device for remote wipe prior to allowing its use on the enterprise network; enforcement of VPN (Virtual Private Networks) for connections between enterprise servers and mobile devices. However in the ever changing IT and mobile solutions market, the flooding of new devices led...

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